Web Design Trends - Part 1

April 01, 2009

For the beginning let's try to sum up the trends in web design for last couple of years and what we have for today.Also let's identify the distinctive features that make a modern webpage look fresh, appealing and easy to use.

One of the key features of modern web design is simplicity.

Its fare to say that web design is better today than it was just few years ago. As the industry grows and matures, there is better understanding among web designers on what makes an appealing and effective website. From the other perspective, clients are also more demanding today and look at the website more as a tool to help their business. There are still a lot of crappy pages, but there are also much more options available to get a good looking and performing website.

Some common features of today's websites are:

Design the content, not the page.
We all hear every so often that website is about the content, that content is a king. And this is a true statement. Good designs put content on the top and draw the rest of the design around it so they draw viewer's attention to the content as intended. To make it short  it's impossible to design a good website without having content for it upfront.

Simple layouts.
It feels like there are more simple 1- and 2-column designs than in previous years. It's generally agreed that simple pages work better. Such layouts help to deliver the content more effectively as it's much easier to read from top to bottom and fewer items compete for your attention.

Centered orientation of the website.
More and more sites you see around are centered in relation to the screen. It gives the right feel of balance. With grow of screens and resolutions it started looking a bit ridiculous having left aligned websites that we used to have initially. Stretchable (or liquid) websites are still the most proper way to design a website, however it takes a lot more work to do it right and therefore those sites are more costly. A centered layout is a good alternative for the moment.

Soft, neutral background colors.
It was a period of time when white computer cases were replaced by black cases. So black became "new white".Neutral background is a very common trend for all sorts of websites. As usability studies proved text is best read on white/light background, graphic components such as photos, logos stand out better as light backgrounds usually provide maximum contrast.However, as it was with computers, popularity of dark backgrounds rising quite rapidly.

Lots of whitespace.
It makes much easier to use the webpage if it is not cluttered with its content elements. Ensuring enough white space to visually separate items on the page helps visitor to stay on the site longer and faster understand what it is all about. Don't try to squeeze tons of stuff into 1 page scroll. Content can always be structured and there is nothing wrong with making visitor to scroll if your content worth it.

Strong contrasts.
Soft backgrounds is a great primer for photos, logos, tag lines that makes them stand out more and bring stronger visual effect.

3D effects.
Shadows, reflections, gradients, fade-out they all help to make the design more rich-looking if not over used of course.

Cute icons.
Well designed and appropriately used icons add chick to the site and make it remarkable.

Big headings.
Website heading got real big these days. Similarly to newspapers, you see important message right away. It works, however, if used in moderation. Don't try to supersize everything on your website. Although many site owners think that everything is important on the webpage, there is always one thing more important than another. Use big text to help your visitors see quickly what the page is about and what's most important.

In part 2 we'll highlight things like design techniques, effects, and other trends that getting momentum in their popularity among web designers applying them into their creations.

Andrei Medvedev