What is mod rewrite
In technical words mod rewrite is a way to direct server to respond in a specific way to request it receives. In words understandable for general public mod rewrite allows creating user and search engine friendly links (http://superiorwebsys.com/client/19/Laptops_Buyer/ or http://laptopsbuyer.ca/getQuote/brand/HP/)
Why would you want to use mod rewrite
First of all it is user-friendly, looking on URL visitors to the site can understand where they are, and it is easier to memorize those kind of links.
Link with mod rewrite: http://laptopsbuyer.ca/getQuote/brand/HP/
Link without one: http://laptopsbuyer.ca/getQuote/index.php?brandsID=19
Second reason is search engines, when they see specific keyword in URL they give you a higher rating. Yahoo loves it the most out of Google, Yahoo and MSN.
How to do mod rewrite on Apache server
You need to create a file in same folder as you have your index.php file and call it .htaccess
Here is what we used inside .htaccess on the site http://laptopsbuyer.ca
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^getQuote/brand/(.*)$ /getQuote/index.php?modRewriteON=yes
ErrorDocument 404 /
First line is to tell the server that you want to turn on mod rewrite
Second line redirects all URLs that starts with get getQuote/brand/ and finnish with anything (.*)$ to /getQuote/index.php?modRewriteON=yes
Third line redirects all requests to pages that do not exist to the home page of the site
Here is the code inside /getQuote/index.php
//Check if this file is accessed with mod rewrite
if(!empty($_REQUEST["modRewriteON"]) && $_REQUEST["modRewriteON"]=="yes")
//get brand ID from the title
$sSQL="SELECT * FROM brandTable WHERE brandTitle='".$brandName."'";
$result=mysql_query($sSQL) or die ("MySQL err: ".mysql_error().
"<br />".$sSQL);
if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$brandsID = $row["brandsID"];
/*Write brand ID into request so no matter if mod rewrite is used
or page accessed straight without ithttp://laptopsbuyer.ca/getQuote/index.php?brandsID=19*/