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The business development aspect of web development

August 17, 2009

As business people we have all seen them, or at least heard from them - the dreaded telemarketers who call in "on behalf of XYZ company" to try and sell us a website. This call, outside of being a waste of valuable company time, is puzzling to most business owners and controllers as there is mostly no visible need for the service. The thought process, usually, goes something like this - we already have a website, we've had it for a while now and it works just fine. The last thing we need today is some yokel telling us that they can give us a new and improved version of what we already have. After all, if there was a need we would have already realized it and called someone ourselves.

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Two Heads Are Better Than One (So Just Imagine What Several Can Do!)

May 11, 2009

Choosing between a full-service Web development company and a freelancer ultimately depends on the needs of your project. Budget is an important consideration, but remember to look at value as well as cost.

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Hiring a Canadian Web Development Company

April 13, 2009

In todays global economy, it is increasingly easy and ever more tempting to outsource projects to overseas companies who, thanks to an abundance of cheap labour, can often outbid their local competitors. Unfortunately, many important considerations go unseen in the glare of a better bottom line. Hiring a Canadian company may not be the cheapest option, but there are several reasons why it is the best.

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