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Logo Creation

October 05, 2012

Every company needs a logo created for them sooner or later. Why get one professionally done as opposed to on the cheap? What are some of the reprocutions that you might encounter when going with a cookie cutter type of business?

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Web Design Checklist

August 05, 2009

The only way to ensure that a Web design company or freelancer can meet your needs is to be clear exactly what your needs are before you hire. As obvious as this sounds, many Web design customers only have a general idea what they want their website to look like or accomplish. Often, key elements are overlooked or are not well communicated to the designer, resulting in time-consuming, and often costly, changes, or perhaps even an entire redesign.

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Web Design Trends - Part 2

May 01, 2009

Couple of month ago we asked ourselves what we’d like to see in websites in the near future, what features, components, interesting design solutions. Considering the fact that new technologies such as jQuery, MooTools, Ajax, widgets, get more and more popular among web designers providing whole new level of interactivity, it was interesting to find out how it will affect approach to web design along with fresh graphical solutions. So we’ve done our research and discuss the topic with our associates, colleagues and other professionals and here is the summary of what we’ve found out.

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Get new domain and new design without losing existing search engine traffic

April 27, 2009

One of many things that we discuss with our clients is rebuilding their websites to reflect the new image of their company. Normally, these design and content changes are accompanied by a domain name change. Obviously, no one wants to lose the traffic that comes from the search engine high rankings and to start doing the SEO work from scratch neglecting the effort that was invested in ranking the original website.

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Web Design Trends - Part 1

April 01, 2009

For the beginning let's try to sum up the trends in web design for last couple of years and what we have for today. Also let's identify the distinctive features that make a modern webpage look fresh, appealing and easy to use.

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