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What is Spotlight, and is it going to replace Google?

June 21, 2015

We all love Google. It gave us a search engine that beat others and gave us a superior access to the Worldwide Web. Moreover, businesses enjoyed its ranking method to advertise by doing on site SEO optimization and using other similarly simple methods of attracting customers.

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What Googles New Search Security Measures Mean to You

November 23, 2011

In late October 2011, Google announced a major change in how its search data would be rendered - namely, that search terms would be stripped out of the referrer data sent to publishers. In other words, online publishers (that is, anyone with a website) would no longer see the terms users entered to find their site.

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Generate QR Code with PHP Using Google API

June 30, 2010

In this post I am going to talk about QR code, what it is, how you can generate this with PHP using Google API, and how this can be used.

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SEO Guide: Targeting the right search engine

July 04, 2009

One of the things you want to know when starting the seo campaign is what search engines you would like to target. Here are few reasons you might want to know that :

  1. You want to roughly estimate the traffic that's going to be coming to your website
  2. You want to estimate the cost associated with the campaign
  3. You want to know the link building strategy that you will be using

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What is Mod Rewrite and How to Use It

June 17, 2009

In technical words mod rewrite is a way to direct server to respond in a specific way to request it receives. In words understandable for general public mod rewrite allows creating user and search engine friendly links

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