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Windows 7: Remove Live Messenger From TaskBar

March 16, 2011

Few steps explaining how to remove MSN (Windows Live Messenger) from the task bar and place it into the notifications area

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What is Mod Rewrite and How to Use It

June 17, 2009

In technical words mod rewrite is a way to direct server to respond in a specific way to request it receives. In words understandable for general public mod rewrite allows creating user and search engine friendly links

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SEO Guide: 3 keyword research techniques you must know

June 01, 2009

The first step to optimizing your website is obviously selecting the right keywords you want to target. Here is a list of most used and effective keyword research techniques that will make your seo campaign start of the right foot.

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Promoting Local Business Online

September 04, 2008

As you well know internet usage keeps growing and growing daily. Every day more people are getting educated in computers and internet and more people are turning their search medium choice from Yellow Pages to search engines.

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