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Most Common Web Programming Languages

March 01, 2024

In the dynamic world of web development, choosing the right programming language is crucial for building robust and scalable web applications. With a myriad of options available, developers often find themselves pondering over which language to master or use for their projects. In this blog post, we'll delve into some of the most common web programming languages, highlighting their strengths and use cases.

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How to make field required with JavaScript if checkbox is checked

March 13, 2015

Really simple solution that will allow you to make fields required below

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How to run HTML5 required fields validation when submitting form with JavaScript

July 28, 2014

Problem: if you run document.formName.submit(); it does not validate required fields. See solution below.

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CSS: Remove padding/line breaks from H1 tag

July 08, 2011

Little CSS trick that will remove padding/line brake from H1 tag.

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Using background-repeat and background-position together

December 07, 2010

Problem: having a background of container that has to be repeated vertically (background-repeat:y-repeat;) start not from the top, and along with that to have a background in inner container that will start from the top of main container

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