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PHP, allow visitor to download image that is not on your server

March 09, 2012

We posted web development guide with the information on how to save remote images from the web using PHP, and one of the web developers asked us a question on how you can allow people to download the image without saving it on the server, and here is the answer to this question.

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How to create CAPTCHA using PHP

October 05, 2009

In last article I explained what CAPTCHA is and why it is used (you can find that article here). Here I will provide PHP code that crates and uses CAPTCHA.

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How To Create A Lightbox To Display Text Or Images

May 28, 2009

Here is the most simple way to code a Lightbox, just under 55 lines of HTML and JavaScript code.

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How to parse RSS using PHP and C#

April 15, 2009

In last article I explained what is RSS feed, and how to create it, this time I will show how to parse it and display on your website using PHP and C#.

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How to resize an image with .NET (C#)

April 03, 2009

In last article I described how to resize an image using PHP, and somebody asked me to provide same example in .NET. So here is a sample C# code for resizing an image on he fly. Once again I want to mention that it is better to resize an image when it is being saved, so you would not have to resize it on the fly.

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