
Phoenix Measurement Solutions Inc.

Design and develop company website that allows visitors to access information about phoenix Measurement Solutions Inc., browse complete selection of products and request additional information regarding products.

 Website Design
  • Create a visually attractive appearance
  • Motivate visitors to sign on and browse through the site
  • Provide intuitive navigation

Web Development 
Front-end – What Visitors See

  • Access to company information
  • Access to complete selection of products
  • Access to current specials
  • Ability to request additional product information

Back-end – Administration and Automated Processes

  • Secure Login:  password protected back end system, assigned to specific IPs
  • Communication:  send mass messages to users
  • Content Management System (CMS)
    • easy and intuitive options to change text and images on the site

Technologies Used

  • PHP, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, MySQL

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