Hiring a Canadian Web Development Company

April 13, 2009

In today's global economy, it is increasingly easy and ever more tempting to outsource projects to overseas companies who, thanks to an abundance of cheap labour, can often outbid their local competitors. Unfortunately, many important considerations go unseen in the glare of a better bottom line. Hiring a Canadian company may not be the cheapest option, but there are several reasons why it is the best.

Advantages of Hiring a Canadian Company

Easier Communication

Perhaps the most obvious advantage to hiring a Canadian company is precisely that the company is Canadian. With the entire team, not just management, located in this country, you have better access to the designers and developers who will be working on your project. No more outrageous overseas long distance charges just to explain a couple of changes! And if you need to discuss your project in person, you won't have to cash in your frequent flyer miles.

Proper communication is the key to getting any project completed on time and on budget. If you have to deal with language barriers and large time differences, your project is bound to suffer as a result.

First-Hand Knowledge

Aside from offering the advantage of location, hiring a Canadian company also provides the benefit of expertise and experience in the Canadian market. Consumption patterns and consumer needs and behaviour vary across the globe. An overseas company may have statistics, figures, and demographics, but only a company operating within the Canadian market can truly understand it.

A Canadian company is also likely to know of developments and news in the Canadian industry before an overseas company would. With such up-to-date information, a Canadian company can bring the industry's most current knowledge, standards, and trends to your project.

Better Timing

Outsourcing means accommodating different work schedules. In addition to differences in working hours as a result of time zones, you will also have to account for different holidays. You may also have to plan for delays in implementation while information travels through the various channels, since you're less likely to have direct access to the team actually working on your project.

Stronger Economy

When you hire a Canadian company, your money stays in Canada; you employ Canadians and bolster the Canadian economy. You also save yourself the trouble of factoring in conversion rates when trying to decide if a bid meets your budget.

The Real Bottom Line

"Home-court advantage" is a well-known phenomenon in sports, but it's equally important in business. In an ever-expanding marketplace, a growing number of options, especially economical ones, can make it difficult to determine what your best option is. While price is certainly important, it can no longer be the deciding factor. The choice is no longer between two or three local companies with comparable products; it involves broader decisions about optimal working relationships, timing, and expertise, in addition to cost.

The advantages of hiring a Canadian company greatly outweigh the monetary advantage of outsourcing, and that's the real bottom line!