What is Viral Marketing?

April 16, 2009

Viral Marketing is a marketing strategy that uses social networking websites to increase people’s awareness about the brand or to raise product sales through self-reproducing viral process, like the spreading of computer and pathological viruses. It can either be increased by network effects of Internet or a distributed word-of-mouth. Text messages, images, brand-able software’s applications, eBooks, advergames, interactive flash games, and video clips are the different forms of viral promotions.

The promotional campaign used for the hit movie, The Dark Knight is a perfect example of viral marketing. They mixed up real-life and online elements to make it look like an ARG (Alternate Reality Game). The word-of-mouth process that happened through many Batman fans also contributed in the promotion of the movie.

If you want your viral marketing to be effective, you have to learn the following elements:

1. You must give away free products or services to people. At this point in time, anything that is free attracts the attention of many individuals.

2. Use media that are easy to transmit or replicate, such as email messages and websites. The Internet is your best weapon, so take advantage of it. With the use of Internet, messages are now easy to distribute and communication is faster and cheaper.

3. Create a marketing technique that builds up the common human behaviors and motivations. Create a campaign that drives people desires.

4. Use existing communication media. Pass your message to individuals whose job requires interaction to many people. You can also use social networking websites.

5. Find an affiliate program in which you can place your banner that links to your website. You can also look for an article writer who would promote your products on blogs.

Your viral marketing may not include all the elements mentioned above, but keep in mind that more elements mean better results. Finally I find that offering something with a little controversy always help because it gets people to talk.
